chiropractic SERVICES
Why choose Dyersville Chiropractic Practice?
Dyersville Chiropractic has been serving Dyersville and the surrounding communities for over 30 years.
Our team specializes in many techniques including the Gonstead Method. Our focus has always been to treat the cause of your pain, not just your symptoms, and have added additional services to our location including massage therapy and the Ideal Protein weight loss protocol.
To schedule an appointment call 563-875-7340.
Kurt V. Burbach, D.C.
Thomas J. Martin, D.C.
Daniel F. Martin, D.C.
350 First Ave East
Dyersville, IA 52040
office hours
8:00AM - 12:00PM & 3:00pm - 6:00pm
8:00am - 12:00pm & 3:00pm - 6:00pm
8:00AM - 12:00PM & 3:00pm - 6:00pm
8:00am - 12:00pm & 3:00pm - 6:00pm
8:00AM - 12:00PM & 2:00pm - 5:00pm
7:00am - 11:00am
sunday - closed

Ideal Protein Testimonials
“I feel like a brand new person! Sure I had some bad days, but I had so many other good days and weeks that sort of eliminated those bad ones. I feel more confident in myself and I’m overall a happier person. I know now how to portion control and how to live a healthier lifestyle and I plan on carrying out those habits for the rest of my life! I’m so glad that I committed to this journey because I feel like now I can live up to the version of myself that I have always wanted to be! I’m so thankful for my family for their love and conditional support throughout this last year, and to my coaches for encouraging me and supporting me the entire way!”
“I have struggled with weight my whole life. In grade 7 I was 200lbs. I have tried many different diet plans, gyms, classes and personal trainers. Nothing was the right fit for me. Until now!! In the summer of 2017 I had seen my doctor and she said if I don’t change the way I eat and loose weight I will be a diabetic in 6 months. My husband has had diabetes since age 7 and I am more than aware of what that entails. I told myself my daughter deserves one parent to be healthy especially since I can prevent my situation. I met my coach on October 23rd 2017. Diana saved my life. I listened to everything she had to say and signed up immediately. This plan takes all the guess work away and it was simple plus the food tasted great.”
“I am proud of myself for the weight I’ve lost up to this point, but more importantly I am proud of the influence I’ve had on co-workers and family. After seeing the success I’ve had with Ideal Protein, many people in my life have made the decision to start a health/weight loss program of their own. It’s wonderful to see others strive for a healthier lifestyle.”
What is Ideal Protein
Ideal Protein is a Medically Developed Lifestyle Management Protocol Designed to help dieters lose weight while learning the healthy habits needed to sustain their weight loss after dieting has ended.
for more information or too book an appointment with our specialist, macy REcker:
e: idealprotein@dyersvillechiropractic.com
p: 563-875-7340
Ideal Protein Products
Our line of ''gourmet'' products is what makes our weight-loss method so successful. Ideal Protein products contain a unique formulation of superior-quality ingredients. Enjoy an unparalleled variety of flavors and textures that incorporate five different sources of protein.